Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jack o'Lantern 2014

Behold, the annual carving of the Morrison jack o'lantern. (Singular, not plural. I'm sure at some point in the future each child will have their own, but for now, one is enough!)

CC advised Daddy on how to draw the face. She decided she wanted a happy and silly jack o'lantern. Sound like anyone we know?

MJ did most of the heavy carving, but we let CC "help" with a butter knife. She alternated between being very proud of herself, and trying to cut the table. 

Little Man helped separate the seeds from the pulp.

Sweet Pea didn't want to participate, but she was a happy observer for about 10 minutes before wandering off to play with toys.

She came back when we toasted the seeds. Surprisingly, all three kids tried the seeds and thought they were all right.

Ta da!! We're ready for Halloween!

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