Thursday, March 19, 2015

Budding Entomologists

CC's school sent home caterpillars a few weeks ago, so the kids could see the life cycle of a butterfly first-hand. The caterpillars were almost microscopic, and I commented to her teacher that I wasn't sure they'd make it to butterfly stage. The teacher looked surprised and said, "Oh, they'll make it -- they're HUGE this year!"

They came in little cups with caterpillar food at the bottom, and an instruction sheet full of things that I didn't know. For example, we were instructed not to open the cups. Apparently caterpillars are susceptible to germs (random fact #1).

These things grew fast. The kids were fascinated. And before I knew it, the caterpillars were all holed up in their chrysalises. (Not cocoons, mind you -- moths are generally the species that makes cocoons, while butterflies form chrysalises. Random fact #2.)

Once all the chrysalises were formed, it was time to move them to a butterfly house, where they will hatch. I had two eager witnesses, and one eager helper. 

The soon-to-be butterflies are now safely in their butterfly house. We are expecting butterflies to emerge in another week or so.

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