Thursday, May 21, 2015

Diaper Free!

Well folks, I've been wanting to make this announcement for quite a while now: SWEET PEA AND LITTLE MAN ARE POTTY TRAINED!

It's a massive step! Over the past months, as the vestiges of babyhood have, one by one, disappeared from Casa Morrison (cribs, sippy cups, high chairs), this one has loomed over me. This enormous, overwhelming, insurmountable obstacle. But we finally just held our breath and charged headlong into the chaos.

Sweet Pea was a snap. She was so motivated by tiny bits of candy, that for the first few days, she did nothing but sit on the toilet and chug water. Little Man took longer to catch on, but just as I was about to throw in the towel and try again in another few months, he had a breakthrough.

It's been ten days since we started. Ten days of no diapers at all, not even during naps or at night. They've done great. This past weekend, we even had several family outings with no accidents: a baseball game, church, dinner at a restaurant.

And I'm thrilled to say that yesterday was our first accident-free day! Sweet Pea and Little Man both woke up dry in the morning. They used the bathroom at the children's gym we attend. They both took long naps and woke up clean and dry. They played all afternoon, taking bathroom breaks as necessary, just like big kids. Yes, I had to remind them -- often -- but that's okay. I'm so proud of them! And I'm relieved that the hard part appears to be over.

And for some comic relief, here are some amusing things overheard in our house recently:

"If you need help getting on the toilet, don't ask Mommy. Ask me." (CC to Sweet Pea)

"Only one person on the toilet at a time!" (Me)

"There's no pee left in my penis." (Sweet Pea)

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