Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Beach Vacation Part II

MJ and I enjoy the beach, but only in small doses. After 1-2 hours, we're done! So we made sure to choose a vacation spot that had a ton of other activities as well. 

We rode our bikes everywhere. This was the perfect solution to all the delicious food we ate -- I'm sure I burned off all those calories! I especially loved our long bike ride through a nature preserve one day (although the kids started getting whiny after a while!).

We went to a petting zoo and fed the animals:

Little Man rode on an adorably small pony, which really surprised me. He's not usually a fan of new experiences. The girls refused to even consider it, despite CC talking a big game beforehand.

The kids played -- daily -- at a large playground which they loved. We swam at the pool several times (CC put her goggles to good use, and Sweet Pea learned to jump in the water by herself). We climbed to the top of a lighthouse to check out the view:

We went to the marina and watched all the boats. The kids begged to go on one, so we took a dolphin cruise and saw a mama dolphin and her baby:

One of the guides fished a cannonball jellyfish out of the water (they were everywhere), and Little Man gave it a poke. No worries -- they don't sting!

The week was full of cool wildlife sightings, including alligators, white egrets, blue herons, jellyfish, turtles, and many kinds of crab.

We enjoyed a lot of good food, and plenty of special treats (hey, it was vacation!):

It's safe to say that we will definitely be returning. I'm sold on this whole "family vacation" thing!

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