Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sweet Dreams

 Here's how Sweet Pea fell asleep the other night, after a long day of mischief:

Little Man and Sweet Pea have been little hellions during naptime lately. They drag all their clothes out of their drawers. They rip up every book they can get ahold of. They rifle through the trash. They throw blocks and trains at each other. They use their beds as trampolines, practice their WWF moves on each other, and once Sweet Pea even stripped naked and Little Man bit her in the butt.

I'm at my wits' end with these two. We have new rules: the blocks and trains can't stay in their room anymore. The trash can goes up high. Only board books are allowed in their room. 

I separate them and put one in the portable crib in the (empty) guest room. But Sweet Pea can climb out in about 2.5 seconds flat, and Little Man pitches such a fit that he throws his pillow and Bumby the Bear out of the crib, pulls down his underwear, and pees on the mattress.

Today I put Little Man in the portable crib, hoping he'd eventually calm down enough to sleep. But a minute later I heard a THUMP. I peeked in, and he was not only out of the crib, but he was attacking it. I actually saw him biting it.

I was at a loss. I have no options left if they can both climb out of the portable crib! I asked Little Man if he'd rather sleep on the floor. He said yes, and two minutes later, I saw this:

Well. Maybe I've solved the problem after all?

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