Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sweet Pea-isms

Our littlest angel is sometimes the hardest to understand. I spend the most time with her, and yet often I have no idea what she's trying to tell me. Fortunately, her siblings are eager to help translate (although they often guess incorrectly too). Her mispronunciations and incorrect grammar melt my heart.

She constantly mixes up her pronouns. "Look at I!" and "My show you."

Toilet is toe-wet. "We pee in toe-wet, Mommy. Not on floor."

Purple-dots are polka dots, regardless of color. One of her favorite hair bows has "blue purple-dots."

The pack-n-play is aqua-play. "I climb out of aqua-play all myself!"

One of her favorite books, "Bubble Guppies," is Gubby Gubbies.

Bottom is bomma. "Don't drop my sunglasses in pool, Mommy. They go right to bomma."

Little Man has pretty clear enunciation. But one of his -isms is "any some more." As in, "Is there any some more candy?" and "I don't want any some more lunch!"

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