Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Jacket Weather

Little Man has decided this year that he doesn't like wearing a jacket. Ever. So despite the cold weather so far this fall, he has never worn one. Any attempt leads to a complete, level 5 meltdown. I've decided I don't want to deal with the tantrums, so I'm going to let natural consequences take effect. Eventually he'll be cold enough to wear a jacket, right?

As you can see from all the pictures so far in the last month, nope. Even an outing this weekend, when it was mid-40s and windy, didn't sway him (despite the rest of us being bundled up in multiple layers). He lasted all day in just a t-shirt.

Yesterday, in a rush to pick CC up from preschool on time, I grabbed Chick Fil A to go and had Sweet Pea and Little Man eat a picnic lunch outside the doors of CC's school. It was approximately 32 degrees, windy, in the shade. Little Man was shaking so hard, he couldn't dip his nuggets into the sauce. Finally he said, "Actually, I do want my jacket, Mommy." And for the first time, he wore his jacket calmly. "But can you help me take it off as soon as we get back in the car?"

Chalk one up for Mommy!

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