Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ballet Observation

Earlier this month, CC's dance studio held its annual Parent Observation Week, when parents are invited to sit in on their children's classes. Unfortunately MJ couldn't attend, but with Alice in charge of the twins at home, I was able to do nothing but watch CC do her favorite thing for an hour.

Siblings were actually encouraged to attend, but I knew I'd never be able to focus on CC if Sweet Pea and Little Man were running around the studio. Several other younger siblings were there, however. The teacher tried to incorporate them into the class, which was cute, but very distracting!

This video is a bit long, but it's cute. Enjoy! 
(Direct link: https://youtu.be/NscaON7cZsQ)

Afterwards, CC and I shared a scoop at the ice cream parlor nearby. A special day calls for a special treat!

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