Thursday, May 12, 2016

Step-Up Day

Today was the day CC's been waiting for: Step-Up Day at her soon-to-be elementary school. It's the day all the rising kindergarteners come to the school, meet the teachers, take a tour, play on the playground, climb on a bus, make a craft, and get to know some of the other kids. Meanwhile, the moms learn about the uniform policy, busing, safety procedures, volunteer opportunities, etc.

CC was up early, dressed in the outfit she picked out last week ("so they'll know right away that I'm a princess, Mommy," she informed me). She even did her own hair (side ponytail, pink bow). And once we arrived and it was time for her to go off with her new teacher, she was so happy she ... screamed in terror and begged me not to leave her.


But one of the assistants kindly took her hand and led her away. To be fair, she wasn't the only child who had cold feet; she was just the first (and the loudest). I received several consolation pats on the back from the other moms sitting near me.

An hour later, CC was back, full of smiles and chattering away about everything she'd seen. "It was SUPER DUPER fun, Mommy! Kindergarten is my favorite!"

Hopefully she remembers that when August rolls around!

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