Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Six-Year-Old Concerns

CC: Mommy, it's so important to know somebody really well before you get married.

Me: Yes. Daddy and I dated for three years before we got married.

CC: Because if I marry someone before I know him really well, then he might be a vampire.

Me: Well, vampires aren't real. But he could turn out to be a bad guy like Hans in Frozen.

CC (wailing): So how would I know?!

Me: You'd ask him a lot of questions and spend a lot of time with him. So if he was bad, you would start to figure it out.

CC: And I might see that when he smiled really big, his teeth were pointy.

Me: Right. That might tip you off.

CC: And, like, if he kept trying to bite my neck.

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