Thursday, December 21, 2017

Piano Recital

Even though the kids have only been taking piano for a few months now, they were excited to learn there'd be a Christmas recital to perform in. And since their music book included adult accompaniment, I played duets with them all. It was so fun!

We had fun practicing our duets in the weeks leading up to the recital. And when it was go time, there were no nerves! In fact, their teacher asked all the kids after each song, "Who wants to go next?" and everyone's hands would go flying up. 

I'd warned him that Sweet Pea might balk at the last minute, but she shyly came up to the bench when it was her turn, and played very well.

We were so proud of our little munchkins! And they beg to watch the video every day.

Direct link to the video:

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