Monday, July 16, 2018

New Beginnings

Every evening at dinner, we play "Highs and Lows." We go around the table and everyone says what the best and worst parts of their day were. Almost every work day, MJ says, "My high was coming home and having dinner with you guys. My low was ... the rest of my day."

Today is the dawn of a new life for the Morrison clan. MJ has a new job! Trust me, in no way am I exaggerating when I say how much of a difference this will make in our lives. MJ's last 10 years at a big law firm have given him incredible experience and opportunities, and he's made lifelong friends. But the work load and pressure, combined with a lack of job security or work-life balance, had become absolutely unbearable. I would say to him, "MJ, we've been in actual combat, and you were never this stressed! Something's wrong here!" For his sake and for the sake of our family, there had to be a change.

Huge kudos to MJ, who held out for the right opportunity, and nabbed a fantastic position working in-house for a large bank. All his previous financial litigation experience will serve him well, yet he should have a much more manageable stress level and a reasonable expectation of personal time.

The kids waved good-bye furiously this morning in their pajamas as he drove off to work, yelling, "Good luck Daddy! We love you!" 

It's hard to make a huge change like this. I am incredibly proud of him for persevering, and for prioritizing our family and his health. We are so, so blessed to have him. I made him his favorite dinner (lasagna) and we broke out the bubbly.

As Little Man says, "Now Daddy's low won't be his job anymore!"

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