Monday, July 13, 2020


For the last few years, CC has her hair cut short every summer. And I've loved it -- it's always so cute! But this summer, I'm not comfortable having a stylist come over to cut her hair (or bringing CC to a salon, either). 

"You watched videos to learn how to cut Daddy's hair, so can't you learn how to do mine?" asked CC. Hmmm. Strong argument. Why not?

She wanted a cute bob, jaw-length. Here's the result: 

Way shorter than even she imagined (although she loves it). It's cute, I admit, but it's definitely not professional.

Sweet Pea likes her hair long (mostly so it can go up easily for gymnastics), so at first she just wanted a trim. But she reconsidered and asked me to cut it to her collarbone. Hers was much easier (possibly because I cut CC's first, so had the benefit of that experience). 

Hey, bobs are tricky!

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