Friday, June 3, 2022

School Projects

This week, the kids showcased their big end-of-year projects in school, and thankfully parents were invited to attend again (after a hiatus for the last two years!).

Sweet Pea and Little Man, with their classmate Tia, did a project on energy creation and conservation. Their presentation was complete with Sweet Pea doing the splits and Little Man signing off with, "It takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so conserve energy!"

CC's final project was her 5th grade exhibition. Each group of 5th graders had to research and report on a an issue, design a display to illustrate and explain their topic, and prepare an oral presentation. This year's theme was natural disasters, and CC's group chose wildfires. It was great! CC and her classmates Scarlett, Dasha and Logan were excited to share everything they'd worked on and learned, and handed out flyers with interesting facts about wildfires. They even had a multi-media display board with LED lights and an illustration of a fire that lit up when you pressed a button. They were so proud! 

The icing on the cake? Grandma was able to attend!

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