Monday, February 12, 2024

School Dance

CC's middle school has offered several dances since she started there last year, but she's always been too intimidated to go. But after she helped me set up for the dance in December, she decided it looked like fun. So last Friday, she attended her FIRST DANCE! She was so excited! Unfortunately many of her friends were out of town for the weekend, but she went with one of her good friends, Patricia.

Since it was Valentine's Day-themed, she originally planned on just wearing leggings and her v-day t-shirt. But Patricia convinced her to wear a dress, so they'd both be dressed similarly, and CC complied. 

I chaperoned the dance, and I could tell she had fun. The DJ played songs that the kids loved, and it made me smile to hear them all yelling the words and watch them jumping up and down to the music. CC regrets not going to previous dances, but she's looking forward to next year's options.

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