Sunday, November 21, 2010

20w1d Update

TWENTY WEEKS!  Holy cow -- I'm halfway through this pregnancy!  I can't believe I've come so far, and it seems to have happened very quickly.  Then again, by the time I started "believing" I might be really be pregnant I was ten weeks into it.  I suspect the second half of my pregnancy will seem much slower.

Big news: I might have started feeling Otto move!  It only happens first thing in the morning (I told MJ's grandmother that he is kicking me to get up and eat breakfast!).  I lie on my back with my hand on my belly, and sometimes I can feel a small "bump."  It doesn't feel anything at all like I thought it would, or how other people have described it, but I honestly can't think of anything else it could be.  What else would be "bumping" around in there besides my baby?  So it appears he is a morning person, much like his daddy.

The weird thing is that I can't feel any movement internally.  I don't have the butterflies-in-my-tummy feeling, or a popcorn-popping sensation.  And if I take my hand away from my belly, I can't feel anything at all.  I can only feel it externally, with my hand.

Other news: our foster dog, Rachel, is settling in nicely.  And she has developed a huge crush on MJ!  She won't give me the time of day when he's around.  From the moment he comes home from work, she is glued to his side.  Even when he's working out upstairs, she lies down in the hallway with her nose pressed against the bottom of the door, waiting for him to come back out.  Adorable!

We also booked a "babymoon" this week, which we are very excited about.  MJ and I have talked about taking a tropical cruise ever since our first cruise together (Alaska several years ago -- beautiful but cold).  With Otto on the way, we knew we'd better move fast!  So beginning December 12, we will be luxuriating on a Princess cruise around the eastern Caribbean.  We can't wait!

One last note: this pregnancy has apparently given me special powers.  I absolutely walloped MJ in pool last night, beating him three games to nothing.  Ha ha!

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