Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cantaloupe Sorbet

If Otto is supposed to be the size of a cantaloupe this week, it's got to be one of the smallest cantaloupes I've ever seen!  Certainly not the size of the one I picked up at the grocery store this week, which weighed about 6 pounds and was larger than a bowling ball!

Regardless, after letting it ripen on the counter over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was ready to make cantaloupe sorbet.  There are not a lot of recipes out there for cantaloupe, trust me!  But I was happy to find this one, and even happier to learn that I didn't need an ice cream maker.

Unfortunately, it cost me my blender.  While blending chunks of cantaloupe into a puree, out of nowhere my blender made a big CRACK sound and stuff exploded everywhere.  I quickly turned off the blender and surveyed the damage.

A giant piece of the glass blending container was laying on the counter.  How on earth ... ?!  Fortunately it was just one large piece and not millions of litle shards of glass, as the dogs had been attracted by the commotion and were sniffing all around ...

... because pureed cantaloupe was everywhere.  Seriously.  It had sprayed all the way up the faces of my kitchen cabinets.  It covered the length of the counter.  It was all over the floor.  It coated the underside of my upper cabinets.  It was dripping off the counter and sliding down my lower cabinets.  I wish we had slow-motion instant replay of what had happened -- it must have looked like a cantaloupe volcano!

So after taking a breather to get my heart rate under control, I cleaned up the destruction and the sticky drippiness, and started all over again.  Fortunately the recipe only called for half a cantaloupe, so I still had the other half to work with.  I used a food processor this time, as my former blender was now in pieces in the trash.  And I'm happy to report that the final product was pretty yummy! 

MJ was relieved to learn that this recipe was not horribly unhealthy, as he has started his pre-cruise starvation diet.  Ha ha -- wait till he learns what I have planned for next week!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

You poor thing! Sticky cantaloupe! I would have had a minor meltdown but it sounds like you took it all in stride. Way to go!