Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweet Potato Pie

I was faced with a dilemma this week ... Otto is the size of a sweet potato, but I really don't like sweet potatoes!  I find them too sweet and cloying, especially with tons of brown sugar and marshmallows in the traditional sweet potato Thanksgiving dish.  After going through pages of sweet potato recipes online, none of which sounded good to me, I finally decided on sweet potato pie.  I'd been told it tastes very similar to pumpkin pie, and I like pumpkin pie.

So there you are: sweet potato pie for my little sweet potato.  Because MJ and I didn't want to have an entire pie, I made mini pies in muffin tins.  It worked out perfectly.  Each little pie is just enough to satisfy a sweet tooth, but not enough to make you feel stuffed or overindulgent.

MJ is sick with a bad cold at the moment, but the poor guy rallied enough to try a bite or two.  His verdict is that it tasted like bland pumpkin pie!  Hmmm ... the cold must have his taste buds out of whack.  :)  Personally, I liked it more than I expected; it tastes better than something made out of sweet potato has any right to taste!

P.S.  Here's hoping I don't catch whatever MJ has!  I haven't been sick so far, and I don't want to start now.

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