Thursday, December 30, 2010

100 Days Left

I just realized this morning that I have exactly 100 days left until my due date!  Things have certainly gone fast, and most recently I have the holidays to thank for that.  In the next few weeks, we will go to see my family, plus have a visit from MJ's aunt, so I am hopeful that the time will continue to fly before our little one joins us.

Yesterday I thought about just how much I have to do before Otto makes his appearance.  It's a bit overwhelming!

1. Clear out the nursery (currently being used as a storage room).  Throw out a lot, and find new storage space for what we're keeping.  Have some very large, very strong men come over and try to get the giant pull-out sofa out of there and downstairs so we can sell it or give it away.

2.  Decide on nursery furniture and get it ordered.  It can take up to 12 weeks, so I have to get moving on this!  I am planning on going furniture shopping this coming Monday, so hopefully I will be able to check this off my list soon.

3.  Decorate the nursery.  I want to have a chair rail installed, put in beadboard below the chair rail, and paint above it.  I found a very easy-to-install beadboard online that I plan on ordering, and I can get the non-toxic paint to use so I can paint everything myself.

4.  Order the nursery curtains.  At least this one is easy -- I've already decided on the fabric and the style, so I just need to call the company and say GO!

5. Register for and take the hospital's birthing classes.  I think February is a good time for this:  close enough to the due date that we'll remember the information, but far enough out from the due date that we don't risk having the baby prior to taking the classes.

6.  Pre-register at the hospital so we aren't stuck at the front desk, filling out forms and verifying insurance information, when I'm in labor.

7.  Wash all of Otto's clothes, sort by size, and organize in the closet and dresser.  So far, this will be very easy, as Otto only has three outfits!

8.  Purchase and assemble any pieces of baby equipment he needs (pack 'n' play, swing, etc).  But I'll deal with this later; we haven't purchased any gear for him yet.

Hmmmm ... I think that's basically my to-do list.  I am trying to remember that 100 days is more than 3 months, and I will have plenty of time to get it all done.  I'm sure that's the case, but I also don't feel like I should waste any time.  First step:  furniture shopping on Monday!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

This is such a fun list! Wish I could go with you on Monday!! Also, love the idea of a chair rail and beadboard in the nursery. Sounds lovely.