Friday, December 10, 2010

22w6d Update

This has been a busy week!  We're getting ready for our cruise and trying to finish up all the Christmas preparations, all at the same time.  And because MJ will be gone all next week, his work load this week is insane, trying to finish up everything before he leaves.  Poor guy! 

Here are some of the highlights of this week:

Yesterday I had my monthly OB appointment.  My doctor surprised me with an unscheduled ultrasound, which was great!  I got to see Otto's heartbeat and his little legs all stretched out.  I was hoping that he would kick me during the ultrasound, so I could see it and feel it at the same time, but the little stinker was very calm during the whole thing. 

I had a lot of questions for my doctor, mostly about our cruise and this cold I've been battling for the last few days.  He advised me to be very careful about what I eat on the ship, and bring hand sanitizer and use it frequently.  As for my cold, he told me to try not to take anything for it, but if it gets really bad, I can use the Tylenol family of cold products.

Last night we also hosted our neighborhood's annual Holiday Party.  Of course, when I signed up to do it over a year ago, I had no idea I'd be pregnant and getting ready for a cruise at the same time!  But fortunately I haven't had any fatigue, which is a good thing, because this party took a lot of running around!  It went off without a hitch, though, thanks to a lot of help from MJ.  Unfortunately all the socializing and chatting last night left me with no voice at all, thanks to this cold, so I will be whispering all day today.  :)

I feel Otto moving more and more frequently, but almost exlusively when I am hungry.  Presumably he is hungry too!  When I was running errands the other day, his kicks and punches helped remind me that I had missed lunch -- someone was getting cranky!  MJ has felt him several times too.

Yesterday, I returned the Doppler that I rented a few months ago.  I no longer need to hear the heartbeat in order to reassure myself, now that I'm feeling him move every day.  It's nice to feel this confident about the pregnancy, and to have constant reassurance through his kicks and punches!

Tomorrow is the annual Army-Navy game, which is a big deal in the Morrison household.  And early the following morning, Sunday, we are headed to Ft Lauderdale for our glorious cruise.  All the hectic stress and running around will be worth it once we're relaxing on our balcony in the Caribbean!

When we return, there will be less than a week till Christmas.  Just enough time to get all the gifts in the mail to out-of-town family and friends, and bake some last-minute cookies.  MJ's parents and grandmother are headed this way for Christmas and we can't wait to host Christmas for the first time ever

Before I know it, it will be January, and that's the beginning of my own personal getting-ready-for-baby timeline.  Once the new year rolls around, I'll be going full steam ahead buying furniture, the stroller, the pack n play, etc.  I'm praying for endurance to get me through the rest of the holidays with enough energy left for all the baby madness!

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