Tuesday, December 21, 2010

24w3d Worrying

So ... I weighed myself yesterday morning, before eating or drinking anything, wearing the same PJs I wear every time I weigh myself.  And I had gained NINE POUNDS since my last appointment ten days ago!  That's crazy, and there's no way it's from the desserts I ate while on the cruise.

Also, since Day Two of the cruise, my feet and ankles have been terribly swollen.  I know that this is a common symptom of pregnancy, especially in the second half, but this came on very suddenly.  When MJ and I first noticed it, I wasn't sure if it was due to the stairs we'd been taking during the cruise, or my body's reaction to being in warm weather all of a sudden, or if it was purely coincidental and just a pregnancy thing.  But we've been home for two days now, and the swelling was worse last night than ever.  My feet looked like they were about to burst out of the skin!

I suspected the weight gain was related to the swelling, but both of these were rather sudden changes, which worried me.  Also, swelling can be a sign of preeclampsia, so my doctor didn't want to take any chances.  I went in this afternoon to be checked out, just to make sure.

Anyway, as it turns out, I am fine.  My blood pressure was within normal limits (although high for me), and all other tests revealed that there's no problem.  Apparently the swelling and weight gain are attributed to the pregnancy, and I have nothing to worry about!

The nurses said that I'd absolutely done the right thing, coming in to be checked just in case, and that the big signs I should look for (besides increased swelling and weight gain) are sudden headaches and dizziness.

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