Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 25 Belly Pic

I'm not sure it's obvious in this picture, but MJ and I have noticed a big difference in my tummy these last few weeks.  It won't be long now before I am wearing maternity pants!  I've tried wearing them a few times, but they're a little big, so I have to keep hiking them up.  I wonder if they sell suspenders for maternity pants?  In the meantime, I'll wear my regular pants as long as possible, even though the button is getting tighter and tighter.

I am happy to report that after last week's worry, the swelling has all but disappeared and my weight went back down 4-5 pounds.  It's still a little more than I would have liked to gain on the cruise, but on the other hand, I don't know what would have piled on anyway due to the pregnancy.  So I will just continue to try to eat well (ha ha -- during the holidays?!), walk as often as possible, and reassure myself that Otto is doing well.

Speaking of Otto, he is moving around like crazy lately.  And even more exciting, I'm starting to feel different kinds of movement.  Instead of just "bumps" (which I assume are kicks and punches), I am occasionally feeling what can only be described as "stretching" movements.  Maybe Otto is starting to feel cramped in his dwindling space, and trying to stretch out?


B-Mama said...

You look great! 25 weeks is really getting there! I've always found my greatest belly growth happens between weeks 22 and 30, so you're not alone. Little Otto is putting meat on his/her bones! Be well and prayers.

Morrisons said...

Little Otto is definitely putting meat on MY bones, that's for sure! ha ha