Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

Merry Christmas!  I hope all of our friends and family had as blessed a Christmas as we did.  MJ and I were lucky enough to be visited by his parents and grandmother, so for the first time in our marriage, we spent Christmas in our own home.  It gave a special meaning to my decorating this year, knowing we would be able to see the house in all its holiday glory come Christmas morning!

Even more miraculous, we actually had snow this Christmas!  It started snowing last night, but it was too dark to see much of anything.  This morning, however, our house looked like this:

Unfortunately, the storm also resulted in a power outage.  The house was very chilly when we woke up, much to the dogs' disgust.  MJ and I had to manually open the garage door in order to get the car out to go meet his family for breakfast.  When we returned, the power was back on, but the garage door is still not working.  I will have to call a repairman tomorrow morning.

I will blog more about our Christmas in the next few days, but for now, let me just say it was perfect.  We had a very nice, relaxing day with MJ's family; we exchanged some extremely thoughtful and generous gifts, we enjoyed a delicious dinner (that was only an HOUR AND A HALF late thanks to my mis-management of time!), and I even indulged in a bit of champagne to celebrate the occasion.

To wrap up this Christmas post, here's a holiday picture we took while on our cruise last week:

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