Monday, January 31, 2011

Sayonara, Sofabed

I finally, finally, FINALLY got rid of the enormous sofabed that was previously occupying approximately half the nursery.  It has served as a second guest bed these last few years, because we haven't needed that room for anything else.  But now that the room must transform into a nursery, the sofabed had to go.

Yes, this means that in the future, second sets of guests will be delegated to an air mattress in MJ's man room, and third sets of guests will be delegated to ... the closest hotel, I suppose.  Fortunately we have only ever had three sets of simultaneous guests once the entire time we've lived here.  (And I suspect we never will again, since there would really be no place to put them.)

This sofabed was the single biggest obstacle to getting started on the nursery.  And for the last week, plans to be rid of it were stymied so many times that I was about to either rip my hair out, or hack it into little pieces to get it out of the room.  First, a friend agreed to take it, only to find a different couch that met his needs better.  Then I listed it on Craig's List, and the first buyer fell through, followed a few days later by the second.  Finally, a very nice woman came over to look at it, loved it, and had it out of our house (with minimal damage to the walls!) yesterday.

Now I can finally move forward with the real preparations!  The beadboard for the walls is ordered; the paint color is selected; and I am eager to get going.  Pictures to follow!

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