Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 37 Belly Pic

FULL TERM!  From now on, whenever Otto is born, he or she will not be considered a preemie at all, but a full-term baby.  Wow!

This week I will start getting the rest of the baby stuff ready: the pack n play set up in the family room, the bassinet set up in our bedroom, all the baby clothes and blankets and sheets washed and ready to go.  My goal is to have everything ready for the baby two weeks prior to my due date.  Well, that deadline is next weekend, so this is the week to get everything done.  Hopefully the crib and dresser will arrive at the end of the week so everything can be put away and organized.

I'm feeling pretty good, except for my back, which is really aching.  I spend every evening lying on the couch on top of a heating pad, which helps a bit.  After a marathon session of sports-bar hopping on Friday with some of his work friends, I asked MJ if we could please watch the rest of the NCAA tournament from the comfort of our home instead!

Yesterday as MJ headed out of the house to coach a Little League tournament, he said, "I'll have my phone with me in case you go into labor."  It really struck me -- oh my gosh, we're at that point already!

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