Friday, April 1, 2011

Boy or Girl??

Since MJ and I haven't found out the gender of the little bun in our oven, I thought it would be fun to do some of the tests I've heard about to see what Otto will be.  Note: these are all old wives' tales and myths, so don't take any of them seriously!

Heartrate:  BOY! Otto's heartrate is always on the low end
Chinese Prediction ChartGIRL!  Based on my age at the time of conception
Mayan TestBOY! My age + the year of conception equals an odd number
ClumsinessGIRL!  I haven't been clumsy during this pregnancy
Morning SicknessBOY!  I haven't had a minute of nausea so far
Husband's WeightBOY!  MJ hasn't gained any weight at all
Ring Test: BOY!  My wedding ring swung side-to-side when dangled over my belly
Cravings:  Inconclusive; I haven't had any cravings
Face ShapeInconclusive; my face hasn't changed
AcneInconclusive; my skin hasn't changed
Belly Position:  Inconclusive; I'm not really carrying high or low, just deep

The results are mixed, leaning slightly towards boy.  But it's not enough for me to start buying blue things yet! 

For what it's worth, everyone who has guessed at the gender (including strangers at the store, etc.) have ALL guessed boy.  Well, except my sister-in-law Susan, who previously was convinced we were having a boy, but changed her mind after she browsed the baby girls' clothing section at Babies R Us!

For the record, MJ thinks Otto is a boy, and I'm pretty sure we're having a girl.  Can anyone think of any other tests to try?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Here's one for ya...WEIRD, but true for me!

Pull your left eye's bottom lid down while looking in a mirror to view the veins. If you see what should sit at 6 o'clock, a "V"...then it's a girl. If you do not see the "V" shape and rather parallel lined veins or other appearances...then it's a boy.