Wednesday, March 30, 2011

38w4d Update

Today at my appointment I received good news and bad news.

Good news: Otto is trying his darndest to catch up in size.  At the ultrasound this morning he only measured one week behind, and is now on track to weigh about 7 pounds at birth.  Of course there is a certain margin of error with these estimates, so it's possible he's not quite that big.  It's also possible that he wasn't quite as small as the last ultrasound estimated.  Or both.  But no matter what, after my doctor looked at both ultrasound results he concluded that Otto is getting bigger and thriving, which is all he needed to know. 

We got one decent picture of the baby's face.  Look at those cheeks!

No video of the ultrasound this time, because at this point the baby is so big, and so crowded, that it was very hard to recognize much on the screen.

Bad news: still no progress on the labor front.  With just ten days to go until my due date (!!), I am still not dilated or effaced at all, and the baby has not dropped into position.  This is nothing to worry about, but I was hoping to have made a little progress towards bringing this child into the world!

I also talked to my doctor about a few questions and concerns I had regarding the childbirth process.  Number one on my list: inductions.  It seems to me that a lot of doctors push inductions if the mother goes past her due date.  My doctor assured me that he would have no problem letting me go as much as 2 weeks late, as long as the baby and the placenta are still doing well.  That was reassuring to me, although I definitely hope this baby is not born at 42 weeks!  That would give me 3.5 more weeks of pregnancy, and while I'm comfortable enough to manage that, I'm too impatient to wait that long!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

Otto's little face is too cute! Can't wait to see those cheeks in the flesh!