Tuesday, April 26, 2011

First Week

Today CC turns one week old, and what a week it's been!  There have been lots of firsts for our new family.

There was the wearing of CC's first outfit (a gift from Great-Grandma Jean):

... and her first ride in the car (home from the hospital):

... and the first time in her nursery:

... and her first walk in the stroller:

... and her first sponge bath (no real baths until her belly button stump falls off):

... and her first time meeting Grandma and Grandpa (MJ's parents):

... and her first time meeting Memere and Pepere (my parents):

... and her first tummy time (about 3 minutes):

... and her first snuggle with Rory (who was unimpressed):

She also had her first outing, to a restaurant for dinner with MJ's parents on Saturday night.  And her first Mass on Easter Sunday.  And her first doctor's appointment yesterday.  We've been busy!

She's sleeping about as much as I could expect a newborn to sleep, which is to say, not a whole lot.  She is both very sensitive and very strong-willed, and fusses more than I would like.  MJ gets a kick out of her frequent -- and loud -- diaper explosions.  And much like her mommy, she doesn't let anything come between her and a good meal.  We adore every minute with her!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Long deserved firsts...You guys look giddy with in-loveness.