Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pacifiers and Such

As I type this, CC is in my arms, adorably hiccuping and sucking on her very first pacifier.  She had a bit of a rough day today.  We had our post-hospital follow-up visit with the lactation consultants, and I was instructed not to feed her for two hours prior to the appointment. 

Needless to say, CC did not approve of this plan, and complained ... loudly ... despite the long walk in her stroller we took prior to leaving (a vain attempt to get her to sleep), and the screaming continued in the car all the way to the hospital.  It's pretty nerve-wracking to spend time in the car when your baby sounds like she's being tortured.  I was relieved when we arrived and I could feed her.

As we expected, the appointment went well and they were very impressed by CC's weight gain and eating habits.  The consultant gave me a few tips on positioning that might help alleviate the pain I've been experiencing while nursing, but she admitted it is most likely due to CC's voracious appetite, and something I'm going to have to get used to.

Up until now, we have resisted giving CC a pacifier, based on the recommendation of the lactation consultants at the hospital and the pediatrician's.  However, this consultant told us that CC is doing so well that we can introduce one now without fear that it will affect her nursing schedule. 

This was a relief to hear, because CC seems to always want to nurse, even when she's just finished eating.  When we're really at our wits' end, MJ or I will put the tip of our finger in her mouth, and she will suck contentedly on it for up to an hour.  I think CC is soothed by the sensation of sucking, and it doesn't necessarily need to be on me

So tonight CC is experiencing the inaugural use of her pacifier.  And it seems to be working!  This could change a lot of things around the Morrison household ...

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

Praise God for pacifiers!! You have just surmounted glorious hurdle #2-- the acceptance of the pacifier-- en route to having a happy, easily-trained baby. Milk supply, check! Pacifier, check! In my mind, these are two essential components to having a happy life with an infant. You are two for two--way to go!