Friday, April 29, 2011


Today marks the one-week point since we came home from the hospital as a new family of three.  In that time (among other things) I've been going through the pictures that were taken in the hospital by my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law, and MJ.  Here are some of my favorites:

The first picture of CC, taken by MJ in the recovery room. 
She's so new, she still has the antibacterial ointment on her eyes! 
Notice she's screaming already ...

My mom holding CC in my postpartum room. (My dad originally came too,
but unfortunately had to leave when CC showed no signs of coming after 2 days. 
He came back the day we were discharged from the hospital and met
his granddaughter.)  My mom stayed the entire time we were in the hospital,
cooking, cleaning and even buying a complete wardrobe for CC!

My brother and his wife with CC's cousin, Dane. 
Jon and Susan had a flight to catch to Texas for Easter, but were able
to stay at the hospital just long enough to meet CC after she was born.

I have no recollection of some pictures being taken, despite the fact that I am in many of them.  It just goes to show you how powerful the drugs are that they give you for surgery.  I remember thinking that I was very lucid and alert immediately following my c-section, but apparently not!

I don't remember this moment, unfortunately, although I am told
Dane spent a fair amount of time meeting CC in my postpartum room.

I also don't recall calling my grandfather to tell him that he had a great-granddaughter, calling my dear friends Carol and Kris with the news, or talking to my other sister-in-law, Karen, during recovery.  Her husband, my younger brother, called from Afghanistan later that night, and fortunately I have some memories of talking to him, because I rarely get to hear his voice.

Oddly (and happily!), I do remember calling my mom out in the waiting room (she didn't answer because her phone was on vibrate!), and calling my dad with the news, even though these were the first two calls I made after the c-section.  My hazy memories seem to begin after that.

When we left the hospital, it seemed like we'd been there forever.  But now that I look back, it seems like a blur!  I'm so grateful for the good care we had, the friends who visited and called with support, and most of all, for the family who made the trip to meet CC and be here for me and MJ.  We love you!

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