Monday, June 13, 2011

Night Out

Last week, MJ's firm had its annual summer party.  Fortunately, our neighbor Alice, who loves CC dearly, was available to babysit (and on her birthday, no less!).  It was the first time MJ and I had been out without CC, and we were eagerly anticipating it.

I wasn't concerned one bit; we trust Alice completely.  But we were very interested to see how CC would handle eating her late-night meal and going to bed for the night without me or MJ.

MJ and I had a great time at the party.  I particularly enjoyed it, since I haven't had the opportunity to socialize with many other people since CC was born.  Everyone was asking about CC, and it was a lot of fun to talk to other moms about their babies.

Upon returning home, we found CC sound asleep in her crib.  Alice's first comment was, "Boy, you weren't kidding -- she really likes to eat!"  Ha ha -- we weren't surprised to hear that!  Alice definitely got the full CC experience, since as soon as MJ and I left the house, CC promptly filled her diaper, then fussed off and on during the evening, chugged her bottle at 9pm and was snoozing by 10.  (Alice was very lucky CC wasn't due for a bath that night!) 

So CC's first experience with a babysitter went well.  Alice had a blast and can't wait to babysit again sometime.

Unfortunately, the rest of the night did not go so well for me.  CC woke up at 2am, 3:30am, 4:30am, 5:45am, and finally at 6:40am.  I think CC must be going through her 2-month growth spurt, because she has been especially fussy these last few days, and hasn't been sleeping through the night as well as she usually does.

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