Friday, June 3, 2011

Puj Tub

Prior to CC's birth, one of the pieces of baby gear I was most intrigued by was the Puj Tub.  It's completely different than any other kind of baby bathtub previously made, to the point that you wouldn't even know what it was if you saw it for the first time.

"Incredible!" said Ellen DeGeneres.  "Clever!" said Rachel Ray.  The Puj won all kinds of awards and was recommended by many parent and safety groups.  I couldn't wait to try it; it's exactly the kind of thing I like:  minimalistic, simple, easy to store away in between baths. 

But as usual, the product didn't live up to the hype, no matter how much I wanted it to.

After CC's belly button had healed, we were eager to give her a bath for the very first time.  I followed the Puj instructions and folded it into shape, then placed it into the kitchen sink.  It rested lightly on the edges of the sink, but when I put even the slightest bit of weight into the tub, it sunk right down into the bottom of our sink and unfolded itself.  Huh.  It still worked ... kind of ... so she still got her bath that night.  But CC was crunched up very awkwardly, and MJ ended up having to place her in the tub sideways in order to bathe her.

Clearly our kitchen sink was too large for the Puj (despite the tub's advertising that it would fit "in any standard sink").  I was disappointed with this marvelous new invention, so I decided that for the next bath, we would try it in a bathroom sink instead.

The bathroom sink worked better, and that's what we've used ever since.  But I'm still not very satisfied with the Puj in general.

The Puj tub doesn't fit our bathroom sink well, either.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but the tub is coming unfolded behind her head.  (I know that the folded part is supposed to be under her legs, not behind her, but then her head would be down in the water, and her feet would be up in the air.) 

So here's the breakdown.

- The material is soft foam and (presumably) comfortable.
- The foam is non-slip, so I'm not worried about CC sliding down into the water.
- The tub unfolds flat, so we can just hang it behind the bathroom door for storage.

- To properly fit, the sink must be both narrow and deep, an odd combination for a sink.  It definitely does not fit "in any standard sink" as advertised.
- The baby is placed immediately underneath the faucet.  Not only it is easy for CC to whack her arm or leg against the spigot, but if MJ needs more water during the bath, CC is at risk of being scalded.
- The second picture was taken when CC was three weeks old, and you can see that she takes up most of the tub.  I cannot imagine that this tub will fit her much longer, although the manufacturer claims it will work until 6 months.

Unfortunately, we will be needing a new baby tub at some point.  Any recommendations for something that will store easily?  I don't have any room for one of the large plastic basins.


Team Copouls said...

Well, I'm happy I didn't get the Puj tub! It was something I was hoping for, but never received.

We've been using a plastic dishpan in the kitchen sink. It's slippery though, so be careful! We put a washcloth on the bottom of the dishpan to try to prevent slipping, but I don't know if it actually helps :o) My husband holds Drew up in the dishpan while I do the washing. We got it at Target, but I couldn't find it on their website. Here's a link from another site:
I found it in the aisle that has silverware drawer organizers and stuff. The best part is that it only cost about $3! Good luck!

Jessica said...

If you go to walmart they have full size baby bath tubs that fold up so you can store them under the sink, yes they are not very attractive but they work and i'm not afraid of my son slipping or drowning! Good luck