Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As promised, the belated post about my sister-in-law's recent visit with her son, CC's cousin Dane:

Susan coordinated her visit with my brother's business trip to Brazil (lucky!).  We enjoyed three days together, shopping (not as much as we used to), hanging out at home with the babies, and trying to get Dane to stick to his nap schedule (we were fairly successful).

There were some ups (I found jeans that fit me!  Lucky Brand!  For $50!  A miracle!) and some downs (Dane not sleeping through the night, and a hurricane-like storm that left giant trees uprooted all over town).  But the biggest news is that Dane learned to crawl while he was here.  What a big boy -- look at him go!

Susan also wanted some updated pictures of Dane, which I was happy to do.  The grass made him a little nervous, so he wouldn't smile while he was sitting on it.  But I still love the pics.

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