Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bedroom Progress

CC's room is coming along, although not as quickly as I would like.  Hopefully now that I've gotten started and know what I want, the project will move a little faster!

- The curtain rods measured and installed
- The curtain panels augmented with coordinating fabric (thanks to my Mom!)
- The curtain sheers purchased and waiting to go up
- Decorative frames with the letters to spell out CC's name
- Crib set up (thanks, Traci!)
- Crib mattress and sheets, changing pad and covers, and diaper pail ordered

Here's a little sneak peek of the colors/fabrics of CC's new room:

To Do:
- Receive furniture (hopefully next week?)
- Sew coordinating fabric on panels to cover cornices
- Have contractor install cornices
- Hang framed letters above crib
- Purchase baskets for diapers, laundry, odds and ends, etc.
- Receive picture frames, fill, and hang

But this to-do list is only for CC's bedroom.  There are still things I need to do for the rest of the house, like install baby gates on the top and bottom of the stairs.  And non-house things, like hire a cleaning lady and a part-time babysitter.  And non-baby-related things, like get MJ's car detailed and sold (we bought him a new one last weekend).  I'm getting a little concerned about it all!

(On the plus side, it's 8:40 in the morning and CC is still sleeping.  Thank goodness for extra time in the morning to get some things done!)

1 comment:

Carol said...

You are a master planner, so I have complete confidence you will be done, and with time to spare. Can't wait to see CC's room- don't be going into labor or a scheduled c-section without posting us the after pictures!