Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 36

No more than 3 weeks left.  And I'm in a mad scramble to get ready.  Every project I plan seems to take three times as long as I expect!  But assuming these babies don't come early, I should be in good shape.

I'm still at 47 pounds gained, although with how much water weight is stuck in my ankles, I'm not sure how that's possible.  I have basically lost the battle of the bulge in my feet, but with less than 3 weeks remaining, I can't really complain.  I've decided I don't care -- I'm going to walk around in public with gigantic cankles anyway.  It's too hot to wear compression stockings and long pants!

Much to my dismay this past week, stretch marks have appeared on my belly.  Bummer.  I managed to make it all the way through CC's pregnancy without any, and up to 35 weeks with these twins.  I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose -- it's twins for goodness sake.  Is it even possible to make it through a twin pregnancy without stretch marks?  I'll try to be happy that for the moment, they are just tiny little squiggles on each side of my belly button.

As far as the babies are concerned, they are considered full-term now.  I am past the average birth mark for twins (35 weeks) with no signs of delivering them anytime soon.  They are probably over 6 pounds each now, about the size of crenshaw melons.  My doctor anticipates that they will be "good-sized babies," which he defines as 7+ pounds.  Wow!

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