My local mothers-of-multiples group, with which I'm fairly active, held its annual ice cream social at a big park this morning. And despite the fact that it directly conflicted with Little Man and Sweet Pea's morning nap, I decided we'd go. It's a big event that I really wanted to attend; I knew CC would enjoy it too; and it would be a test to see how the twins could handle having their schedule messed with.
I tried to get Sweet Pea and Little Man to sleep, by reclining their stroller seats, but no luck:
Fortunately, they were pretty happy playing with their toes and looking around.
CC had a blast with all the slides and swings. She couldn't make up her mind which one she liked more, so she kept switching back and forth. I tried to keep her on the playground intended for toddlers, which worked for about 30 minutes:
But then she spotted the playground for BIG kids. Twelve-year-olds, according to the sign. And since she was so adamant, I decided that maybe it would be okay if I stood right next to it and encouraged her to go down the smaller slides. Ha! Once she reached the first level, she kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing ... until she reached the very top, and then she made a beeline for the tallest slide there:
And before I could even blink an eye, she was flying down the slide, laughing hysterically, and yelling "again!" as she charged around to the stairs. Sigh. There's no stopping this little Tazmanian devil.
There was a tube slide that she liked:
That caused lots of static electricity:
And then it was time for lunch, which was followed by ice cream. CC did admirably with the ice cream, holding it and spooning it herself with zero help from me.
Afterwards I let the twins swing for a while in an infant swing, conveniently fitting both babies perfectly:
What a great outing! Of course it took about 2 hours of prep and cleanup in order to have about 2 hours of fun, but that's okay! Such is life with three wee ones. And I was happy to learn that Sweet Pea and Little Man can handle missing the occasional nap, as long as they're sufficiently entertained.
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