Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Splish Splash

I mentioned here how CC's new water table was Phase I of my summer sanity plan.  We've recently implemented Phase II:

Yes, I know you all saw pictures of this very same kiddie pool in CC's birthday party post.  However, the kids only dunked nets in it to catch the toy fish; no one actually sat in it.  Until this past weekend.  It was finally warm enough (barely) to let the kids get in.  They had a blast -- once MJ finished making about a thousand trips into the kitchen to fill pitchers of warm water.  (The water from the hose was frigid.)

Sweet Pea and Little Man did better than I expected, sitting upright in the pool.  Sweet Pea had fun splashing like mad.  Little Man just desperately wanted to eat something, anything.  He alternated between gnawing on a toy fish and bending over double to eat his drawstring.

CC wanted us to splash her, wanted to take her pool shoes off, squirt the twins with the fish, catch the fish in the nets, get in the pool and then out and then in again ... she was busy.

Eight dollars on Amazon.  Best. Deal. Ever.

Stay tuned for Phase III, coming next week.  It's the BIG ONE!!

1 comment:

sonya said...

We bought a water table for my little guy and he LOOOOVES it. Im excited to see what phase 3 is.