Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hello Again

Yes, yes, I know!  I've been missing for a while.  Sorry about that!  Let me fill you in on what we've been up to:

MJ's Aunt Maripat and cousin Shannon came to visit, which was wonderful in many ways.  We spent a lot of time together as a family; I had plenty of extra hands to help with the kids; and we brought MJ's Uncle Brien down for the weekend as well.  Maripat loves to visit her brother, so coming to see us is a two-fer.

But what a wild ride it was!  Having eight people in one house -- and four of them needing a lot of care -- is the ultimate in happy chaos.  I had a blast!

CC called Maripat and Shannon the "two people."  As in, "two people's car" and "two people take me for a walk."  The biggest laugh of the weekend came one evening when CC was saying good night to everyone, and I encouraged her to give hugs and kisses.  She looked at Shannon for a minute, then said, "Me give this one a hug NO."  Poor Shannon!

We went to the local science museum one afternoon and everyone had fun.  CC's favorite thing was the giant water table in the children's area ("biiiiiig wah tabe!").

Sweet Pea and Little Man played with different kinds of blocks.  Brien did too, but especially enjoyed the stuffed polar bear display.

My least favorite thing was when the elevator in the parking garage broke, and I had to struggle with the double stroller down three flights of stairs.  Lots of people passed me, but did any of them offer to help?  No ... until the end, when another woman who had a baby in her arms already helped me lift the stroller to the bottom.  Thanks, America.

We also celebrated Brien's birthday with a party and cupcakes:  

He loved wearing his party hat, and he and CC both thought their cupcakes were delicious.  Of course no one else had any cupcakes, because Rory escaped from the laundry room and ate nineteen cupcakes as they cooled on the counter.  Wrappers and everything. Fortunately two survived, so, naturally, the birthday boy and our two-year-old dictator were the happy recipients. 

Another day, we took the kids swimming in our neighbor's beautiful pool (thanks, Alice!) and actually got CC to have fun swimming for the first time this summer.  

Yesterday, I took Maripat and Shannon with me to library storytime ... an event from which they might never recover.  I think thirty 2-year-olds and their parents in one room was enough to swear Shannon off kids forever.

See?  I told you we've been busy!  But we are back to our normal routine now, so I should be back to blogging with better frequency.

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