Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CC's Party

We had a great time for CC's party on Sunday! It had a "Where the Wild Things Are" theme, which is one of her favorite books lately.

I decorated with leaves done in the style of the book, and 8x10 pictures of CC in the woods, wearing a Max crown. Various quotes from the book were superimposed on the pictures:

Many thanks to Susan for staying up with me late the night prior, taping leaves all over the house!

Favors were cute little burlap sacks (filled with colored pencils and Wild Thing magnets):

My mom made what might be my favorite cake so far (do I say that every time?):

Six layers of gooey chocolate cake, with salted caramel filling in between. Mmmmmmm. And the flowers and leaves at the base were the perfect little feminine touch!

Everyone was a fan of the cake!

I mounted large posters of two of the Wild Things onto foam board, and cut out circles where the faces had been. The kids had a great time putting their faces up to the holes and pretending to be wild things!

Not surprisingly, having so much attention focused on her -- not to mention sharing her swingset and toys -- was a bit much for CC. There were several moments like this:

But overall, it was a blast. And thankfully, it didn't rain -- although it was extremely wet from two weeks of rain leading up to the party. Sweet Pea pulled on her rain boots (an excellent solution to the wet grass):

One fabulous weekend down; another on the way: Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit!


Carol said...

Amazing! So sorry we weren't able to be there to help, or enjoy! CC's book is on its way!

Unknown said...

Love the poster board idea! Can I ask where you purchased the foam board and what glue you used to glue it on? Thank you!