Saturday, July 18, 2015

Worst. Nap. Ever.

Today was Sweet Pea's day to nap in our room. I've been separating her and Little Man during naptime since they turn into gremlins when they nap together. They alternate between sleeping in their room and sleeping in ours. It's been working pretty well so far.

Down for naps everyone went, and I got busy doing laundry, dishes, etc. After a few minutes, I heard the unmistakable squeak of our bedroom door and I went upstairs to find Sweet Pea putting a stack of MJ's books into the hallway.

Me: Get back in bed.
Her (cheerfully): Okay!

Five minutes later, I heard a thump. I went upstairs to find her sitting up in our bed, remote control in her hand, and the TV on to a menu screen I've never seen before. 

Her: I turned the TV on!
Me: That's not yours. Don't touch Mommy and Daddy's things. Go to sleep.
Her: Okay!

I'm pretty sure that TV will never work properly again.

Another five minutes later, I heard the bedroom door squeak again. I charged up the stairs to find her holding a small empty plastic box. What the ... ??

It was -- somehow? -- a box of straight pins. You know, the kind used for sewing. I saw a bunch spilled on the rug. Oh, crap.  

Me: Don't move! These are very sharp. I have to clean them up.
Her: Okay, I'll clean up the other ones.
Me: WHAT?!

She pointed, and I saw where the other 500 pins had spilled. Right into my laundry basket, full of clothes. Oh. My. God.

I sat down and starting taking every item of dirty laundry out of the basket, shaking it meticulously, and checking it for pins. This was going to take me at least an hour.

Her: Mommy?
Me: Yes.
Her: You're doing a great job.
Me: Thank you.
Her: Mommy?
Me: YES.
Her: I pooped in my pants.


Yolo Momma said...

Oh my! So will her name still stay as sweet pea?

Morrisons said...

Haha! Yes, if only ironically.