Monday, August 10, 2015

Playing Catch-Up

Yes, I'm aware that I haven't posted in a week and a half. Unprecedented! But these last two weeks have been the busiest I've had in several years. I was preparing for a massive consignment sale where I sell the kids' outgrown clothes/toys/gear, planning for the twins' birthday party (which was on the same day as the sale -- I've clearly lost my mind), hosting family in town for the party, plus all the usual playdates, outings, cooking, cleaning, etc.

This week, however, is glorious. This is the week I've been looking forward to all year. CC, Little Man and Sweet Pea are attending a morning camp hosted by several teenagers in our neighborhood. They run the camp every summer, and last year CC had a blast. So every morning this week, I have four hours to myself. !!! This morning I ran about 11,000 errands. It's really amazing how much you can get done when you don't have three kids in tow.

Today's camp theme: American Spirit:

Drop-off went smoothly this morning, especially for Sweet Pea. She's not a fan of new experiences, or of being away from me, so I had some concerns. But there were no tears, just smiles and waves. When I picked them up at noon, they were stumbling over themselves to tell me everything they'd done. Sweet Pea even said, "I had a great day, Mommy!" and later, "Camp was lots of fun."

I will try to use the next few days to catch up on everything from the last 10 days, including the big event: Sweet Pea and Little Man's third birthday party!

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