Monday, October 5, 2015

Eye Appt

CC had her follow-up ophthalmology appointment last week, a 6-month checkup to see how her vision is doing without glasses. In short: just fine! It was a quick appointment (by ophthalmology standards), which means she did not have her eyes dilated. But the exam rated her vision at 20/20 in both eyes, and convinced her doctor that her astigmatism is not re-developing in the absence of glasses.

Hooray! We have an appointment in another 6 months, when CC will have her eyes dilated so the doctor can look inside and verify beyond a doubt how her vision is doing. But he's very pleased with her progress, as am I. I was also very proud of how CC behaved at the appointment: following directions very well, responding appropriately to all the questions they asked, and acting like a very big girl.

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