Thursday, November 12, 2015

Little Ballerina

CC has been taking a combined ballet/tap class for the last few months now, and has decided that dance is her life's calling. Last week I was finally able to get some pictures of her in class. She is a mixture of serious student and silly 4-year-old -- probably typical.

There are 8 girls in her class, and usually there are only 5-6 who show up on a given day. So the class is very small; CC gets plenty of attention from the teacher; and the experience has been very positive so far.

She still sticks her tongue out when she's concentrating hard:

Changing her tap shoes for ballet slippers:

At the end of class, each student has the chance to get up and dance a solo of their choice for a minute or two. Until recently, CC would always decline. But in the last few weeks, she's started participating -- although only if her friend Virginia dances with her. Still, I'm proud of her! Here's a (silent) video from this afternoon. My favorite party is the adorable little curtsy at the end!

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1 comment:

Carol said...

I am in love with that little curtsey.