Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring Break Part III

For the rest of our visit, we relaxed, watched basketball, visited with MJ's extended family, and had fun with the kids.

Grandma was well prepared for our visit. She brought out all the toys that used to be MJ's when he was little, so there was plenty to keep our three occupied (and more than a few things ended up sneaking home with us)!

We visited local playgrounds. Ate at amazing restaurants. Played hide and seek all over the house. Visited MJ's old high school. Sat forward-facing in the minivan (whoa). Read Daddy's favorite childhood books. Gave hugs -- lots of hugs.

Thank you so much to Grandma and Grandpa for a wonderful visit! The kids are already asking when we're going back. I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa need a vacation after we spent our vacation there!

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