Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Twins' 4-Year Checkup

Woo hoo -- another great checkup for two healthy kids! Unfortunately our appointment was at 8 am, which is not ideal on a school morning. But by laying out all the kids' clothes and packing lunches the night before, and with MJ's help with breakfast in the morning, we were backing down the driveway at 7:42 am.

Little Man weighs 35 pounds (40th percentile) and is 40.5 inches tall (53rd percentile). So he continues his trend of average size. 

Sweet Pea stood on the scale for the first time in her life! I was pleasantly surprised. Every time we've gone to a doctor in the past, she's balked at standing on the scale, and I've had to hold her in my arms then subtract my weight. But this time she stepped right up. She weighs 30 pounds 9 oz (13th percentile) and is 39 inches tall (a whopping 32nd percentile!). As the doctor said, this is as big as she's ever been. Apparently Sweet Pea's playing catchup now. I can't believe we're in double-digits for both height and weight, and approaching average ranges in height!

I was also relieved that both kids passed their vision screening with no issues.

Then it was time for vaccines: two each. And to the nurse's surprise, neither one of them cried! Little Man went first, and yelled, "Hey! Ow! Hey! That hurts!" but was mollified by a sticker as soon as it was over. Sweet Pea didn't react at all, just sat like a statue until she got her sticker. 

The hardest part of the appointment was keeping CC quiet whenever the doctor asked Sweet Pea or Little Man a question. CC does not like sitting on the sidelines!

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