Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

What a whirlwind! We were at the beach for a week, then came home just in time to throw a fun art birthday party for CC, immediately followed by Easter! I'll be going through pictures for weeks. But Here are some pics we took this morning (post-Mass, post-Easter-Baskets) while we were all still dressed in our nice clothes.

Since CC's party was yesterday, my mom stayed to celebrate Easter with us, which only made the celebration sweeter. Endless book reading, giggles, and game playing -- that's the kids' idea of heaven!

It was a really nice day all around. We got to Mass in time to score seats, then home to find that the Easter Bunny had visited. New bathing suits! Flip flops! Summer pajamas! Man, I love it that the Easter Bunny brings things the kids need anyway. Smart rabbit!

We had a nice, relaxing afternoon highlighted by a delicious dinner cooked by MJ, then a FaceTime session with Grandma and Grandpa (who are currently on their way to Aruba). And we capped it all off with early bedtimes -- for everyone. I'm headed upstairs myself in just a few minutes.

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