Sunday, June 25, 2017

Vacation Bible School

This year is the first time Sweet Pea and Little Man are old enough to participate in our parish's Vacation Bible School, and it was a smashing success all around. The theme was "God's Dude Ranch" and everything was inspired by the Wild West.

No, I did not get the week "off" -- I volunteered at VBS, so I worked the whole time the kids were there. But it ran smoothly, and it was really fun to see the kids throughout the day. (Note to self: in future summers, sign the kids up for VBS at another church the week after ours so I can have a break!)

Sweet Pea got really caught up in the theme, and insisted on wearing her cowgirl skirt and boots on Friday. Coincidentally, it really matched the VBS shirts well!

The Morrison family had a lucky winner: Little Man correctly guessed the number of tiny streamers in a bottle (107), and won a set of little Disney figures. CC was more excited than he was; she kept yelling, "I can't believe he won!! Can you even believe it, Mommy?!" The toys don't interest Little Man very much, so he has been benevolently doling them out to his sisters and loving the attention it generates.

VBS culminated in a country-music show on Friday. The kids were thrilled to see MJ and Miss Alice in the audience too! Interesting note: the girl standing next to CC, wearing pink shorts, is totally blind (that's why she's not following along with the motions most of the time; she can't see the counselors demonstrating). But she had a great time at VBS and was able to fully participate, thanks to her own dedicated counselor.

Direct link to video:

CC was teary when it was over, but made sweet farewell cards for her counselors.

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