Monday, November 6, 2017


Playing "I Spy" in the car with 5-year-olds:

CC: I spy, with my little eye, something green.
Sweet Pea: The traffic light!
CC: Nope.
Me: The car next to us.
CC:  Nope.
Little Man: The tree over there!
CC: Nope.
Me: We give up. What is it?
CC: It was a building we passed a long time ago.

Sweet Pea: I spy, with my little eye, something red. It's inside the car. And it's in the front, next to Mommy. It's above that little button on the radio.
CC: The emergency button?
Sweet Pea: You guessed it!

Little Man: I spy, with my little eye, something really big.
Sweet Pea: Is it --
Little Man: IT'S THAT TRUCK!!

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