Thursday, January 25, 2024

Life Lately

Between the kids' activities, the elementary school PTA, the middle school PTO, and finding time to work out and learn tennis, I haven't been updating the blog much. But here's what we've been up to lately:

Sweet Pea made straight A's on her report card, so according to Morrison Family Rules, she earned a donut from Krispy Kreme. She picked one of the new heart-shaped donuts, filled with cookies and creme filling, and topped with cookie crumbs. She gave it two enthusiastic thumbs up.

In related news: CC must start over in her quest to earn a trip to Universal Studios by getting straight As for four quarters in a row. She did not get all As on her report card this time -- she earned an 89% in Social Studies. "It's not fair!" she whined. "I tried my best!" But then I showed her in PowerSchool how she had three missing assignments in that class. "Having missing assignments is the exact opposite of trying your best," I told her.

Little Man and I finally got one of his Christmas gifts up and working: a robotic quarterback. It's pretty cool -- it shoots a football surprisingly far, and you can program it for different directions and distances. He's been having fun with it out in the yard, and I love watching his intensity.

Direct link to video:

The monkeys had a rather extended wrestling session last weekend. It went on and on, and MJ and I just watched with amusement as they rolled around like puppies.

CC continues to altar serve every Sunday she can. She's learned how to open the Roman Missal to the right page for the priest, and has been helping train new servers (including whacking their hands when they fidget during Mass!). I was able to sneak this picture of her helping prepare the altar before Mass the other week:

MJ and I keep doing our thing. MJ is hopefully that he can transition into a new, less stressful position in the next few months, so we're crossing our fingers that happens sooner rather than later. And we're all looking forward to heading to the mountains next month for a little break!

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