Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Something's Fishy

After a good run of one year and four months, Rex bit the dust. He'd been fading for a while, and there were multiple times Little Man and I were convinced he was dead. But then a day or so later, we'd see him swimming around again. But he hadn't eaten in a long time, spent whole days hiding inside the tank's AT-AT, and would often just lie down on his side on the bottom of the tank. So we knew his days were numbered.

Once he passed, Little Man and I headed to the store, where he picked Whitey Ford:

Whitey Ford was gorgeous Platinum Betta. I loved watching him swim, with those brilliant white fins spreading around him. But it was short lived -- after just 5 days, we found him dead.

So we headed back to the store. They were very apologetic, and allowed Little Man to pick out a replacement fish. This time, he chose a turquoise fish and named him Wiggum (after the police chief on The Simpsons.)

Wiggum is a Feathertail Betta, so his fins are much different looking than our past bettas. But fortunately, it's been a few weeks and he seems very active. He eats a lot and swims all over the tank. Here's hoping he lasts a good long while!

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